Tuesday, October 30, 2007

I'll sleep when I'm dead....

It's funny because the older my baby gets, the less she sleeps..... I try all the techniques too. I let her cry, I soothe her without picking her up, I feed her more during the day, I slink around the house barely breathing for fear she will hear or smell me....NOTHING works!!!! So now I'm letting go of any traditional idea "sleep" and actually feel thankful for three or more consecutive hours. I have even developed a sleeping "problem" where I can't fall asleep because I have anxiety that she will wake me up! Worse yet, I don't even notice the dark circles under my eyes, until my husband is nice enough to point them out. I can only imagine how my kids and husband must see me with my dark circles, bad clothes, messy hair...on the other hand why torture myself? I'm embracing my new sleepless self and declaring freedom from sleep dependence, or whatever makes me feel better.
Which brings me to another frustration.. why can't I potty train a three year old? She cannot be bought, bribed or begged to even acknowledge the toilets existence and will happily sit in her own filth. There really is no excuse, she is extremely ready to be potty trained.... she changes her own pull-up!!! I blame it on my husband, she is stubborn like him. If I ask him to do something, he is compelled to do the complete opposite.
Who said, "When life give you lemons make lemonade."? Because I wouldn't want to drink the lemonade I'm making on no sleep and with all this poop to clean up!